Inter Allsorts are usually one of the weaker teams we
play, and " just here for the crack" is a phrase often heard when
they visit Moreton. With their recent eviction from a well known 6 a side
tournament, and the ongoing libel case against a national newspaper for
referring to them as Inter
Allsnorts, we wondered if there would be an extra edge to them . They actually
followed the Southfield path of recruiting 2 proper cricketers en route; easily
identifiable by their cricket whites, let's call these two Warner and Warner
for arguments sake.
Moreton were missing Sammy, who was having
"bird" trouble.............................
and Thompy arrived so late all the shirts had gone,
so he became the "3rd
cricketer" on the IA team. Jonny still has "bird" flu, no doubt
contracted from Sammy, so Dave continued his reign as Moreton's most successful
skipper ever. Successful he may be, but Dave still has to come to grips with
some of the small print clauses for Thursday night cricket, and you could have heard a rolled up banknote drop, as he considered his options for opening the batting. Thankfully the
correct decision was reached, and TOP strode out to the wicket (7 strides each)
with purpose. IA predictably opened up with Warner, and Tim was dropped twice,
including a drop from Bro Warner, who foolishly put his pinkie in the way of a
full blooded drive. Ed & Tim racked up 50 between them before Ed got bored,
Tim retired, and Davey T failed to hit a 6 (all perfectly predictable). Howard
strode to the wicket (23 strides) minus purpose, but having got off the mark
with a boundary, he soon found his touch and raced to a PB of 35 , including a glorious 6. (Dave T watch & learn). In the meantime the Warner Bros, reverted to type, and put on a
comedy show on the boundary, bumping into each other, like a pair of circus
clowns to ensure yet another catch went down............
Wicksy (why does predictive text
suggest Wick sexy ?) is so masterful on
a Thursday, and he is still trying to get an average, after yet another
"not out" performance. Stuart also hit the heights with an unbeaten
27, and with Angus running himself out so he could go and get some Supper at
home, we finished on 165 -3.
Dave showed scant regard for the Warner Bros, as he
planned to use untried and untested bowlers throughout the innings, including
an opening over from The Landlord, of all people. The fielding was excellent,
and the backing up zone behind the keeper often resembled the M25 at rush hour.
Some full length dives were also spotted, and regulars will know this
endangered species is rarely seen on a Thursday evening. Catches were held all round
the park, to complete a superb Mid Summer display from the Midweek Boys. One moment of
"Deja vu", when a Warner person charged at Howard's bowling, missed it and was stumped by
Stu; Warner complained that Stu had moved whilst the bowler was running up,
which of course is illegal (you have to ask why Warner was watching the keeper rather than the bowler though !). As Stu lives in your village, Warner, we suggest
you take it up with him direct, and stop bothering us with your problems !
Final amusement provided by Tim getting two wickets in the penultimate over,
including Bro Warner and Thompy, followed by Ed getting the most undeserved wicket of Tutty in
the final over; some unexpected fantasy points scored there !
Man of the match for his consistent bowling and overwhelmingly
middle class batting is Howard !
Moreton win by 46 runs