Friday, April 19, 2013

We're back for a 7th year !!!

Yes-The Moreton Midweek Blog started back in 2007- intent on bringing a little light relief to the serious game we know as cricket; if you are squeamish, sensitive, easily offended, or called Simon, then it's really better that you stop reading now.

With a miserable winter now behind us, Thursday nights have never looked so good, and the Midweekers assembled in good time to play The Range Rover Owners CC. This is a rebranded fixture against the team formerly known as The Footballers CC; Since their skipper purchased a Range Rover, the total number of Range Rover owners now exceeds the number of "Footballers" in the team, hence the more "accurate" description. We were of course, all looking forward to  hitting seeing the aforementioned vehicle, but sadly it had to remain in the drive at home. The newly introduced "match tax" on visiting teams had caused cash flow problems for Piglet, and he was unable to fill the vehicle up with fuel, and with a strong Siberian headwind to drive into, half a tank of unleaded was never going to be enough to get him to the match and back home again.

RROCC , in their eagerness to enjoy the last of the evening rays, chose to bat first. This proved a poor decision. In their quest for the "mahogany" look, they failed to consider the aerial bombardment tactic, and sure enough young Angus blitzed their top order with a well executed plan. Sadly his Dad was running late and missed the boy's great spell. New recruit Dan bowled well, without much luck, whilst another debutant Wayne stormed in with 3 wickets to share the bowling honours with Angus. Meanwhile aspiring country gent Howard kicked his heels at cow corner, realising that as a self appointed number 11, his contribution to the match was going to be minimal as Jonny continued to ignore his highly suggestive,whirling arms. Sir Francis got bollocked twice for sloppy fielding, but he knew he would get his chance later to redeem himself, batting at no 3. Final "fielding" mention goes to Rhod, who bowled professionally as always, and kept a lid on their 2 best bats, ensuring a modest target for us of just 86 to win.

In Ed's absence, Dave "the pilot" Powell got the plum job of opening with The Landlord. I have always held pilots in high regard; their ability to make quick decisions under pressure, whilst accurately gauging distance and speeds puts them in the higher echelons of skilled operators. Then I met Dave !

I trust he will never have a dialogue with Air Traffic Control along the lines of " YES, yes, yes... err NO....Shit ... Sorry ! " Even I, with my renowned sprint speed, was unable to get back before Thompy apologetically removed the bails. Anyway Sir Francis the Redeemer was next in, so all was not lost; ....actually for him it was, as he got a duck to compound a bad day at the office. Thankfully Dave, Rhod & Jonny kept calm and dispatched some pretty ropey bowling to ensure a comfortable first win of the season. With food laid on at the pub to accompany the beer and post match discussions- (who put Angus in their Fantasy Cricket team ?)- it's good to be back !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stop being mean, Richard tried his best for your team and doesn't need you embarrassing him.