Friday, June 14, 2013

Warner Bros play cartoon cricket

Southfield attempted to live up to their self styled "superstar" billing by hijacking 3 "gun" cricketers from league clubs. They looked highly competitive, pumped up and eager to get the game over quickly. Someone should have told them it's a Thursday, and this sort of behaviour is most unbecoming ! The angriest of the 3, let's call him Warner, and his lookalike brother Warner, looked for some fresh faced kids to punch, but with Angus & Josh both absent, they had to take it out on Sammy. If they had known he was about to get an owl tattoo on his arm, they might have considered this an unwise move, but ignorance is bliss and they smashed our feathered friend all around the ground. 

 The Looney Tunes theme continued with their no 3, and it took a smart catch from Lachlan at deep mid off to claim our first wicket. 110 from 11 overs with plenty of wickets in hand caused us slight distress, Warner Bros huge smugness, and Southfield some embarrassment. Davey T & Thompy bowled superbly to the real Southfield players, and with 3 wickets each turned the game around. The final danger manifested itself with the return of  Wan*er Warner. Thankfully he showed true "Warner judgement" by failing to connect, getting stumped by Stu, and then arguing about it all the way back to the pavilion ! 
Target could have been 190, but was actually 119 !

TimTom sounds like a sat nav device, and this new opening partnership knew exactly where they were heading, as they blunted the LT bowling, upped the tempo after 4 overs, and then both retired. Stu hooked Warner to the boundary, and Capt Dave & Thompy's calmness contrasted strikingly with the apoplectic Warner brother, who quite frankly lost the plot and threw the game away for them with his ridiculous overthrows. It was left to pipe smoking Mr Dibbly Dobbly of Southfield to show the whippersnapper how it's done, using all 98 years of his experience to lure our own Aussie tear away into a cunning duck trap. Mr DD stayed on long into the night, supping ale, and spinning a few yarns to a young an impressionable Nigel., whilst the adrenalin monkeys raced around North Moreton in search of a Walkabout bar and VIP area to drink their fizzy pop in.
We look forward to engaging with you again next year, when you may well be a whole year older if not wiser !

In other news, Bomber's studio has been open for business for 12 days, 6 hours and 7 minutes. He has nearly run out of scones, so I suggest you get over there soon !

1 comment:

Cricket Ostralia said...

Despicable behaviour again by Warner