Anyway,Aston turned up, we batted, and at 28-5 looked in more trouble than Gordon Brown. Unlike the aforementioned jock, we managed a magnificent fightback, led by Kaz with an unbeaten 50, JY with a PB of 14, and ably supported by father to be Thompy, MCC somehow reached a respectable score of 150. Thompy unfortunately showed a serious lack of commitment to the team, by leaving early, before he bowled, to attend some minor family event at the JR- lightweight !
Luckily he was replaced by the more substantial figure of Fen, who immediately commanded respect from the batsmen with his enthusiastic running & sliding stops, apparently so expertly taught by his Dad, Charlie !
Plenty of others also stepped up to the mark, to apply some pressure to the Brummy twat & his mates. Although Wicksy has booked to see a chiropractor about his neck, badly strained while watching the ball fly back over his head, even he came back strongly. Kaz, Sam, Johnny & Joe all bowled well too, Rob performed well with the gloves, Carl fielded like a demon on the boundary & Simon sent 36 text messages whilst fielding at mid wicket, which is a new club record. Needing 27 from the last 2 overs, Aston's effort whimpered out, and a great victory was ours !
Well played everyone, but to be honest, without Kaz we were stuffed, and next week he's playing against us for the Krauts !
Word has reached me in Pakistan of some infidel pig parading around Oxfordshire cricket grounds being a crap version of me. It would appear that I have found him! If someone could just give me his address I will have some people pay this fraudulent pile of pig shit a visit!!
Have you all paid your subs ? I'm on to you................
Subs? Subs? What are you talking about? Just give me this blasphemous infidel's address so I can have him dealt with!!!
Well he does live near a pig farm
well he does live near a pig farm
Ah my portly nemesis,you have tracked me down at last. Yes it is true I have been travelling around the cricket fields of south oxfordshire sullying the great game of cricket whilst looking like you! I look forward to our showdown chubs!!!
Portly? Chubs? When I finally track you down I wiil slit your throat from ear to ear and bleed you to death like the pig you are, I will gouge out your eyes and stab you through the heart!
Look mate I was only having a laugh. You know, comedy beard,comedy batting and comedy banter. I really didn't expect you to track me down and threaten to kill me. I really dont want any trouble, so please leave me alone........
Tough titties chunky!Surely you must realise that having crossed the threshold of moral decency your blood belongs to me?
Okay,okay,okay! Just kill me and be done with it, I accept my demise!
Goodbye you infidel pig!!
Christ, that got a bit serious! This is only supposed to be a friendly blog. I just hope that you two Inzamams can sort out your differences without bloodletting!
F*** you Mr Mediator, let these two fools kill each other!
No! F*** you Mr Agitator you are always trying to wind people up!
my minor dash to the jr was well worth it, little joe was born on saturday 3.14am weighing 6lb 6oz
Congratulations to you both- still think you had time to bowl a couple of overs between thursday night & saturday morning !
Bad news is...............
Bomber wants to be his godfather !
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