Friday, June 08, 2007

Victor "Fuz" Meldrew hasn't paid his subs....

The main story this week is not our traumatic loss to some people near Wales, but rather that Fuz is witholding his MCC subs until he is selected to play. I don't believe it ! Apparently rather miffed that a totally shit player, who lives nearby, should be picked ahead of him, he has vowed not to pay until picked, which of course is not possible under current club rules. Watching from the wings, he was critical of our performance tonight- quite rightly-but wouldn't it be more helpful to pay up and get involved rather than bitch from the sidelines ? Luckily SKY weren't here to record the spat, and I am happy to say team spirit is still high.
Batting first, we scored steadily, with Tim top scoring and Nigel going well until he committed Hari Kari. Wickets fell steadily until a great rally from Robbo & Tadcaster, who managed a six from a forward defensive off the last ball, thanks to twatty fielding from the Welsh. Even Fuz agreed that 101 wasn't as bad as it might have been.
Aston ticked over at 6 per over until Simon Claridge "purchased" a wicket for 3 sixes in his first over-probably not his best buy - and they were looking confident, with Howard "bungie" arm Williams his usual self in the field. A bit of late sledging from Captain Swagger, threatened some respectability, but SC lost it on a low note with one going between the the legs for four.

Man of the Match - Tompy who got a duck, dropped a catch, but bowled well and paid his subs.

PS Blewbury are complete twats- did you see Sky's Cricket AM ?


Anonymous said...

Pay your membership and play for us next week you narky, tight-arse, moaning old bastard! This is your cricket team as much as it is everybody elses, so stop being a whingeing little girl and put your hand in your pocket scrooge!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who lives nearby ?

Anonymous said...

"dummy, pram & spat"- sring to mind