Thursday, July 08, 2010

Bugalugs !!

OK so firstly who or what is Bugalugs ? Found a definition as follows:-

An Australian term of endearment, similar to "Mate" but usually used in a slightly more patronising tone and with less immediate masculine connotations. A good example is a parent describing a son or daughter, or an older person describing a young person. The term is usually used playfully.

So the more astute will now know who Bugalugs is, and the "Ou est theme" continues with Bugalugs being the latest boy overboard. At least Dive the "fountain of no knowledge " is present, if not correct, at breakfast. The difference this time is that one person does care about the missing person, and Rowan had been heard shouting "Boysie" all through the night in a vain attempt to get Robert back from the red light district. He had been about to reach for his strides, when the errant boy returned, and we left them to a small family discussion, extracts of which included .....
"honestly mite..............grounded....................worried sick................5 euros etc etc"
We travelled to St Aulaye, stimulated by the team news being released by Kazpello 2 hours before the game; no great surprises, and of course Bugalugs was dropped on Dad's instructions. We eventually spotted the roadside watermelon sales hut that doubles as their pavilion, and jumped enthusiastically off the bus. When Wynford had dreamt of setting up a cricket club near Bordeaux, it was the thought of getting a load of gobby Englishmen, plus Rowan, wearing lemon polo shirts, blaring Ole Ole Ole across the outfield, that kept him going in his long search for a watermelon shack. Batting first, TOP had a bad start, with Ed getting a duck; it got worse when we realised nobody had brought the step ladders, so the tricky logistical problem of getting the hat on his head had to be overcome, before the game could continue. Rowan was taken out by a U-boat ball, but Felcher & Grincement led the recovery, with Pompier showing off in front of Blue Watch, to push us past 200. The Ole boys kept us going in the field, and heroic efforts from our bowlers kept us in the game, with victory being achieved in the final over by 7 runs; this handily increased the significance of my own 8 run contribution to the game.
Jonny kindly made arrangements for us to see the Holland game, in a conveniently situated bar, just 2 blocks away. The rest of the evening followed a familiar pattern, I think, and we finished as usual with a cultural trip to Charles Dickens Bar.


bugalugs said...

Still trying to improve my five euro allowance, I found another list in a team mate's property that caught my eye..

Nick's to worry list....

1. Everything...
2. Re-patriating dave's ashes.. Null and void
3. Rowan worrying
4. The exchange rate
5. Tim slapping everyone to death
6. Sammy and Dave's collective IQ
7. Worrying about people who are worrying about me
8. Rowan worrying
9. Alcohol poisoning
10.Re-patriating bugalugs ashes... Null and void
11. Gibbsy being my father
12. Gibbsy smoking too much crystal meth
13. Gibbsy and nigel after lights out...
14. Sammy's tank top

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