Friday, June 17, 2011

Captain Beaky missing !

Members of the public are warned not to approach this individual as he has the capability to bore a man to death with his nasal, droning drivel........................................................

So, we were all set to resume our annual hostilities with the man himself, only to be informed that he declined the offer to play this year and would not be appearing again in this fixture until we started being nice to him. So it looks like bye bye Beaky then!

We quickly got over the disappointment when we found out that alongside the old guard the team appeared to be packed with the gobbiest yoof that Wantage has to offer.
Mill Street won the toss and the fun began.

Jonny and Westy opened the bowling, both desperate to be the first to hit the brand new stumps.Probably trying too hard as Mill Street got off to a flyer with the milky bar kid carting the ball all over the place and retiring on 25 in the fifth over.

Bomber and Wilfy provided the amusement in the field, ably assisted by pretty much everyone else come to think of it as Mill Street racked up a pretty decent 145 for 6. Tompy was his new found economical self and Lachlan despite getting a bit of tap weighed in with 3 wickets. A special mention for the Landlord at this point who in spite of being on the lash all day still found the time to send Dave Templedoom flying into the shelving in the changing room.Nice assault sir!

Here we were then at the halfway point and obviously buoyed by their total, the yoof of Wantage started opening their pre-pubescent gobs. What they hadn't bargained for was Nigel who revelling in his role as the new wednesday night pinch-hitter hit his first ball for 6. Moreton got off to a flyer reaching 81 for 3 from the first 9 overs thanks in the main to the ex man mountain (more a man hillock now) Bomber and man of the match Wilfy. Wilfy only received his call up 45 minutes before the game and proved correct the old Moreton adage that no preparation is the best preparation. He flayed the ball to all corners of the ground in a fantastic exhibition of top quality slogging, going on to retire at 28 with only 2 singles in his total.
We still had time for a wobble with Jonny,Westy and Dave Templedoom mustering only 1 run between them (no need to go into details). However this was just to lull the little gobshites into a false sense of supremacy.
Our Thursday night team bats deeper than most and this was proved by Sammy and Tompy finally putting them to the sword and out of their collective misery with some more big hitting.This included a huge 6 over the pavilion from Tompy.

Then the most amazing thing happened. The constant earache that we had all been suffering from suddenly stopped as the little shits just shut up. You could almost hear a pin drop now, well you would have been able to if it weren't for all the loud raucous celebrating from the home team as we passed their total with 4 overs to spare.

So that is 7 out of 8 for us now and onto Dorchester next week.

Well done boys.

Captain Swagger

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