Friday, June 10, 2011

Where' the GOAT ?

Let's be honest, it had to end sometime soon. We've played poorly before, and got away with it, but this time Southfield & grandsons did us. I don't have a massive problem with that in itself, but I am fed up with the selfish attitude of one of our "regulars". When the shit hits the fan, we're in it together, and we collectively deal with it by blaming one person- the scapegoat. Wikipedia suggests:-

"Scapegoating is the singling out of an individual for negative treatment or blame; also known as a whipping boy or fall guy ". So, having lost, we all needed a spot of scapegoating, so it was utterly frustrating that the team scapegoat was absent. Jonny had informed us that Peter, over the course of the last week, had text through the following excuses for not playing.....

a) still had a sore arse after his triathalon on Sunday

b) that Grace was having her hair done

c) his children needed him to provide light entertainment & cook them fishfingers

d) he was taking a conference call from his business contacts

e) he was involved in a photo shoot for the latest MCC coaching manual

f) he had been commissioned to paint a picture

g) he was scared of a hard ball

Obviously only one of these excuses was really credible, but nevertheless, we were scapegoatless, whipping boyless & fall guyless, when it really mattered.

We bowled reasonably, fielded poorly, and had a target of 20 runs more than we should have allowed. Goat's replacement was Will Mac, a handy cricketer, on any day except a Thursday; his contribution of 0-23 and 4 runs was quite simply not up to scratch. He,Tim & Ed were all done for pace by someone who looked even older than Nigel. Jonny, Rob and Sam all batted really well, but TOP & Co had left them too much to do. It was left to Jonny to provide some late entertainment by felling Nigel who was umpiring at square leg, with a well timed shot, that Westy would have been very happy with. Sadly, he later made a full recovery, and was seen showing his bruises round the pub, which is not a pretty sight

Next week, Bomber, please, please say YES. Your team needs you !

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